Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Medieval Village - Albarracin

Easter monday - we took the work mini van and ventured 2 hours north west into the mountains to a small village called "Albarracin". The medieval village is still lived in and well looked after. We spent 4 hours adventuring and climbing to the top of the fortified castle walls. The photo's show more than I could hope to explain. Although it was cold, it was a magical day.... Very difficult for the kids to comprehend "500 years ago".....


puhipi said...

Until this most recent update the thought of being crammed in a shoe box amongst 30,000 others whilst admiring each others washing just didn't rate.

With the pictures of "ewesfullas" in medieval-town, however, the jealousy meter has finally registered a flicker. "Oarsmint"

Janine - it looks like you're sporting the fairydown windjacket from your first year at uni, and Rodders - a kiwi sporting an Italian team's hat in Spain looks well ... dodgy (I'll have to send you a suitable replacement).

The West Coast and Northland continue to steal our rain - the only green paddocks in the top of the South Island are those owned by the King empire.

I had better go and find a decent hat ...

Keep up the "Get Jealous" blog - ka kite ano.

The Sharps said...

Hello Busby's!!

Yes- the fairydown jacket IS from my first year at uni. Very handy..packs away nicely...lots of pockets ...but VERY UN-trendy in a spanish city of very well dressed (and beautiful) people. My attempt at shopping was brought to an abrupt hault by a 3 yr-old (even after bribery with an ice-cream) ... so I have decided I must venture out alone ... into the shopping abiss. Given the weather has been so cold and miserable - I'd best get a shopping pass QUICKLY (our one set of winter clothes each are rather tatty!!). Unfortunatley- with a few days off- Rod has sped for Germany (meeting a supplier re Import business)..and is back friday..to head back into work on saturday. MY Shopping is not HIS priority (BAHH!!!). I WILL make up for it (and a jacket is first on the list - thanks to you!!)...and shoes, shoes, oh and maybe some shoes?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharps
Holly would like to know if Hunter has his trainer wheels off yet. She took hers off at Easter weekend & has been off like a rocket, biking all around French Pass.
Jackson would like to know how much the bikes cost from the Supermarket, and is Valencia a rich city?
We are enjoying your blog and the photos - esp now we have Broadband and don't have to go away and do something else while we wait for it to load! Email u soon
The Smiths

theoldtrout said...

Hi guys - when are we going to have more pictures? I believe you are short on wind over there - you can have some of ours!! Has Rod rubbed shoulders with our Helen yet????

The Sharps said...

Hi Mum - yes - Rod shook Helen's hand yesterday when she popped into their media office yesterday (said her handshake was quite limp!!!) ....I suspect she wasn't focussed on her handshakes...more her job as 18th man when the boat went out.

The Sharps said...

Hi all -
Answering the Smiths questions...
Holly, no Hunter has not got his trainer wheels off. He keeps reminding us that the promenade has no grass for a soft landing (it's all concrete!!)...but everyone knows he is coming because his trainer wheels make a big rattling sound (he still managed to run up the bottom of a lady the first week though - maybe she was too busy talking to hear him coming!!)

Jackson, Valencia is a city of contradictions (ask Mum to explain that one)! There are beautiful modern new buildings (wonderful complex architecture) - as well as a lot of very old apartment buildings towering, on average 9 stories high. EVERYONE lives in an apartment. Our guess is 15% modern, 85% old buildings. Alot of tidy up work has been done for the America's Cup - so the parks are beautiful...but a bus ride into the backwaters of the city shows alot of people still live in tiny old (grotty) apartments. We are very lucky in NZ.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharps!
We finally found your website!Looks like you're having great fun, especially the kids with all those human playgrounds! And the medieval village looks like it comes straight out of a movie. We wonder how Zoe and Hunter's Spanish is getting along and how far they have come since 'gracias'.
Abby is getting ready for her trip to Sweden and it seems everybody is heading to Europe this year which makes me feel slightly envious! You must be getting frustrated not seeing any of the match racing but it looks like you're keeping yourselves occupied nicely! Lots of love from the wards :-)


Any mail best sent via Rods work: c/- Rod Sharp, Virtual Eye Office, Amercia's Cup Media Centre, Port America's Cup, Valencia, SPAIN

TeamNZ, Monday 7 May

TeamNZ, Monday 7 May
Readying for the start of race 6, south course. Emirates Team NZ whizz past the media boat.

We love Valencia Oranges!

We love Valencia Oranges!

Cup racing schedule

3 - 6 April..... Fleet racing
16-23 April ... Vouis Vuitton Challenger - round robin 1
1-7 May .....Vouis Vuitton Challenger - round robin 2
14 - 24 May ...Vouis Vuitton Challenger -semi final
1-12 June ....Vouis Vuitton Cup - final
23 June - 1 July ....Americas Cup racing

The apartment

The apartment
Apratment living (all 580 odd of them)

Arriving at Valencia train station

Arriving at Valencia train station
Finally there!


This is the best way to visit daddy - 45 min bike ride down the promonade. You have to look out for trees and spanish ladies (Hunter found out!!)

Gullivers Travels

Gullivers Travels
In the old river Turia (river redirected long ago after continuous flooding) there are lots of playgrounds and bike tracks. The kids are playing on a huge giant Gulliver. There are lots of slides and stairs and ropes to climb. If you look hard you can see Gullivers head behind - the kids are standing on his arm.

The Spider Web

The Spider Web
A huge rope spider web on the beach is very cool to climb up (Mum only spent a very SHORT time at the top!!!)

The playground

The playground
It's not so bad having your cousins to play with every day!

The Bell Tower (Cathedral)

The Bell Tower (Cathedral)
Zoe took this picture of us on top of the Bell Tower- Easter Sunday

Views from the Bell Tower

Views from the Bell Tower
Glad we were there at 1pm and not 12 noon. The bell chimes on the hour.

View of Plaza del la Reina from the bell tower

At the top of the bell tower (Easter Sunday)