Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday 4 May


Well an inconsistent week for sailing, some days with no wind and others with too much (hence another two days of catch up racing), todays racing was exciting.

The kids and I biked down to the Cup Village, watched a few races on the big screen, played on the playground, learnt to tie some knots and sailed a remote control yacht. Unfortuantely too much wind to go up in the hot air balloon .... we'll leave that for an adventure next week.

Tomorrow is flamenco lesson no 3. Yes - Zoe now has the full attire... and aparently we have a wee concert some time in July. Whilst Zoes teacher Ms Eva Munro is gorgeous (she sings the flamenco tune beautifully for both classes (2 hours solid)) ... the dance studio owner is a very scary buxom spanish Senora, with whom no one argues (so we are NOT allowed to watch the practices lest we distract the girls!!).

So, all in all, a realively quiet week of sandcastles, tennis and yes - the apartment pool is open! Yippee.


Moturoa said...

Hi there everyone

We had assembly yesterday and played your Valencia podcast for everyone. They were all very impressed.

Rod's Podcast

Any chance of a another Skype podcast at some stage.

If yes email me



It was great tonight to see that NZ were in second place especially after listenting to all the "knockers" on Deakers show last week. GO TEAM NZ!!!!

Keep up those flamenco lessons so the De Bono's girls can learn upon your return. Alternatively, to TVNZ's Dancing with Stars is always looking for new contenders (Rod & Janine).

Very jealous of that swimming pool and warm weather.
Love to you all.

Moutere said...

Very cool dress Zoe!
We can't wait to see the dance when you get back.
Maybe you could teach us?


Any mail best sent via Rods work: c/- Rod Sharp, Virtual Eye Office, Amercia's Cup Media Centre, Port America's Cup, Valencia, SPAIN

TeamNZ, Monday 7 May

TeamNZ, Monday 7 May
Readying for the start of race 6, south course. Emirates Team NZ whizz past the media boat.

We love Valencia Oranges!

We love Valencia Oranges!

Cup racing schedule

3 - 6 April..... Fleet racing
16-23 April ... Vouis Vuitton Challenger - round robin 1
1-7 May .....Vouis Vuitton Challenger - round robin 2
14 - 24 May ...Vouis Vuitton Challenger -semi final
1-12 June ....Vouis Vuitton Cup - final
23 June - 1 July ....Americas Cup racing

The apartment

The apartment
Apratment living (all 580 odd of them)

Arriving at Valencia train station

Arriving at Valencia train station
Finally there!


This is the best way to visit daddy - 45 min bike ride down the promonade. You have to look out for trees and spanish ladies (Hunter found out!!)

Gullivers Travels

Gullivers Travels
In the old river Turia (river redirected long ago after continuous flooding) there are lots of playgrounds and bike tracks. The kids are playing on a huge giant Gulliver. There are lots of slides and stairs and ropes to climb. If you look hard you can see Gullivers head behind - the kids are standing on his arm.

The Spider Web

The Spider Web
A huge rope spider web on the beach is very cool to climb up (Mum only spent a very SHORT time at the top!!!)

The playground

The playground
It's not so bad having your cousins to play with every day!

The Bell Tower (Cathedral)

The Bell Tower (Cathedral)
Zoe took this picture of us on top of the Bell Tower- Easter Sunday

Views from the Bell Tower

Views from the Bell Tower
Glad we were there at 1pm and not 12 noon. The bell chimes on the hour.

View of Plaza del la Reina from the bell tower

At the top of the bell tower (Easter Sunday)